Christian Manohar
Data Scientist and Musician
View My ResumeI am a third-year student pursuing a dual degree in Data Science and Jazz and Contemporary Improvisation at the University of Michigan. I am passionate about data analysis and transformation, particularly in the area of music and audio. In addition, I am an active saxophonist and composer, performing in various ensembles and leading rehearsals for the Blue Bop Jazz Orchestra, the premier student-led jazz orchestra at the University of Michigan.

- Python
- PyTorch
- R
- C/C++
- Java
- Data Visualization
- Machine Learning
- Audio Processing
- Ableton Live

Exercise Image Classifier (Current)
A convolutional neural network that classifies images of exercises into 21 different categories using CNN architecture proposed by Guo et al. (2017)
- Python
- PyTorch
- Pandas
Dog Image Classifier
A convolutional neural network that classifies images of dogs into separate breeds with up to 95% accuracy achieved through transfer learning.
- Python
- PyTorch
- Pandas
Facebook Database Replicate
A relational database that replicates the functionality of Facebook, including user profiles, posts, albums, and friends.
- Java
- Oracle
Electric Vehicle Sales Analysis
A data analysis project that analyzes electric vehicle sales data from 2010-2022 to determine trends and predict future sales.
- R
- Shiny
Made by Christian Manohar